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melunasi utang bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "melunasi utang"
  • melunasi:    paid in full; paid off; pay in full; pay off;
  • utang:    debt; receivable; obligation; credit; loan;
  • melunasi:    paid in full; paid off; pay in full; pay off; paying in full; paying off; worked off; working off; return; give back; devote; repay; yield; give; redeem; reconcile; pay; pay up; liquidate; patch up;
  • utang:    debt; receivable; obligation; credit; loan; liability; outstanding debt
  • melunasi hutang:    close account; getting square with; got square with; satisfied all demands; satisfy all demands; satisfying all demands; square accounts; squared accounts
  • cadangan utang:    liabilities reserve
  • deflasi utang:    debt deflation
  • ekuivalen utang:    debit equivalent; debt equivalent
  • kartu utang:    creditor's card
  • manajemen utang:    debit management; debt management
  • membayar utang:    atone for; pay up
  • menghindari utang:    make (both) ends meet
  • pemutihan utang:    debt relief
  • penagihan utang:    debit collection; debt collection
  • penyelesaian utang:    reckoning
  • I'll find the wealth to pay off the debt.
    Aku akan temukan kekayaan untuk melunasi utang.
  • To pay off the debt and make you walk away?
    Untuk melunasi utang dan membuat kau pergi?
  • Just work for him to get out of debt.
    Aku bekerja untuknya untuk melunasi utang.
  • Beg, steal, or kill to cover what is owed.
    Memohon, mencuri, atau membunuh adalah cara untuk melunasi utang.
  • I'm trying. - Just... just try to breathe. - I'm
    Ayah takkan pernah bisa melunasi utang Ayah kepadaku.
  • You can start paying off your debt.
    Anda dapat mulai melunasi utang Anda.
  • Time to make good on that debt, Flash.
    Waktunya melunasi utang itu, Flash.
  • All of the family's possessions are repossessed to pay back the debt.
    Seluruh harta keluarga disita untuk melunasi utang.
  • Wished I could've repaid the favor.
    Aku berharap bisa melunasi utang budinya.
  • Paying off gambling debts, ordering a hit.
    Melunasi utang judi, memesan hit.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5